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The Ultimate Guide to Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) combines innovation and healthcare to deliver a solution that allows for the streamlined collection of client's data remotely. Remote Patient Monitoring allows clients to live at home while still maintaining the level of quality care they need to suit their personal circumstances and conditions.

Living independently at home is made possible for many clients by adopting Remote Patient Monitoring technologies, with Clinicians and health professionals also reaping the benefits of the innovative technology.


Making Caring for Clients in their own homes possible

Remote Patient Monitoring Technology: Making caring for clients in their own homes possible

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) is a virtual, telecare solution that uses technology to allow for the collection of patient data remotely. This data is then used by clinicians to track patient vitals, intervene if necessary and ensure that the patient is in good health, making it possible to care for clients in their own homes safely.

Learn everything you need to know about Remote Patient Monitoring, what it is, how it works and the benefits here


Chronic_Illness_management plan

How Remote Patient Monitoring could become part of your patient's Chronic Illness management plan

It’s reported that in Ireland alone, 48% of males and 48.1% of females aged 65 and over had a chronic illness or health problem in 2021. So, how can Remote Patient Monitoring become part of a person’s Chronic Illness management plan?

Find out more about Remote Patient Monitoring and how it could become part of your patient's Chronic Illness Management plan here



How Remote Patient Monitoring enables care in the community


Remote Patient Monitoring means that clinicians now have the ability to collect valuable data outside of the clinical setting. This means that individuals with disabilities, those living with chronic illness or older people who might need additional support, can all be managed from the comfort of their own homes.

Discover more on Remote Patient Monitoring and how it can enable care in the community. 


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